Folk remedies for joint pain

Folk remedies for joint pain

Treatment with home-made ointment. The ointment is prepared as follows: yarrow grass is taken (2 h. spoons) and St. John's wort (1 St.spoon), everything is crushed. In a water bath, vaseline is melted (1 tablespoon), the components are mixed until a homogeneous ointment is obtained. Sore joints are rubbed with this ointment before bedtime.
Treatment with cabbage leaves. Folk remedies for joint pain are good because they are quite inexpensive, and their components are almost always at hand. Here, for example, fresh white cabbage-a vegetable that can be found in any home. Take a crunchy cabbage leaf, heat it a little over the fire, spread it with honey (a thin layer) and apply it to the sore joint. On top of the cabbage-honey compress is covered with cellophane and a warm handkerchief, everything must be carefully fixed on the body. It is best to do this procedure at night. They say that after a couple of nights, the pain goes away without a trace.
Treatment with potatoes. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, then knead them right in the water where they were cooked. Next, you need to give time for everything to be properly defended. The starch will remain at the bottom, but on top there will be a medicinal infusion, which you need to pour into a separate container and take 1/3 Cup three times a day.