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The Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic ocean are the main places of "residence" of these sea creatures. The most prominent part of the octopus is its tentacles, which reach up to 90 cm, while the body is 25 cm or slightly more. The total weight of an adult is approximately 10 kg.The life span of an octopus in natural conditions is mainly 2-3 years. But sometimes there are also 4-year-olds who can be considered long-livers. The property of changing color, it resembles an earth chameleon. However, the color of the marine life depends not only on the environment, but also...

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Банан Did you know that a banana is a herb? It turns out that bananas don't grow on palm trees. Banana is a grass that reaches 15 meters in height. Truly, the world of nature is wonderful! Well, the fruits of a banana are called berries. These berries are green, yellow, orange, pink, red and even blue. And there are also black and striped bananas. The largest banana is the kluay (or Rhino) variety, it reaches a length of 35 centimeters. And the smallest bananas are from 2.5 to 5 centimeters in length (but they are considered the sweetest).

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It is well known that fruits contain a lot of vitamins, which are so loved by our body and especially the immune system. But that's not all.Grape. This berry is not only delicious, but also able to reduce inflammation and joint pain due to the plant compound contained in it — proanthocyanidin.Citrus. Oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits high in vitamin C help prevent inflammation and joint pain.Cherry. This berry, and especially its sour juice, made life easier for people suffering from osteoarthritis. The study showed that women with this disease had decreased indicators of inflammatory markers within just 3...

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TomatoesIt is advisable to use tomatoes daily or several times a week. This is due to their ability to improve blood flow, the state of the nervous system and the property of strengthening the immune system. Since tomatoes contain vitamins such as PP and C, which improve the state of the heart rhythm and help to clear the vascular walls. This has been proven by numerous studies in which people who used this product became less susceptible to heart disease. Especially useful are ripe fruits and their juice for the following ailments: angina; coronary heart disease; hypertension. With atherosclerosis, tomatoes...

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Treatment with home-made ointment. The ointment is prepared as follows: yarrow grass is taken (2 h. spoons) and St. John's wort (1 St.spoon), everything is crushed. In a water bath, vaseline is melted (1 tablespoon), the components are mixed until a homogeneous ointment is obtained. Sore joints are rubbed with this ointment before bedtime.Treatment with cabbage leaves. Folk remedies for joint pain are good because they are quite inexpensive, and their components are almost always at hand. Here, for example, fresh white cabbage-a vegetable that can be found in any home. Take a crunchy cabbage leaf, heat it a little...

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